Gather Farm is about more than just flowers.
We are about growing the soil, sustainability, supporting your neighbor & community, and to help educate why.
Why you should enjoy what is in season. Why supporting local is so important. Why you would want seasonal, fresh, unique, and why enjoying what mother nature gives you is ok. You don’t need those (unsettlingly) perfect red roses. A just picked, curated for you bouquet can mean so much more.
Seasons are renewing, refreshing. We can, and should enjoy them, whether it is a growing season, or a season in life. Flowers and plants are part of it all.
Gather Farm is also about the life I want to live, how I want my kids & others to see the world. Growing blooms and soil can fill your soul.
Gather Farm supplies flowers for the everyday, and also to mark the seasons in our lives. Beginnings, endings and all the growing we do in between.
Meet your… Farmer, florist, soil builder
I am not sure what my title is really! I do all the things here at Gather Farm. Thank you for taking the time to stop by!
My name is Jodi. I grew up on a dairy farm, and that has definitely shaped what I love. It was here I learned to work hard, the importance of working together for a common goal, and how to help one another. I fed animals, played in the dirt, and learned how the seasons of life work.
I went to college for Soil and Crop Science, and a couple of years in, switched to Art and Design. It sounds like quite the change, but although unclear at the time, I have finally found the meeting of these two - seemingly very different - interests.
Sustaining and growing the soil, to build it for the future, to learn and teach new ways of growing. To work with the earth, not against it, is one aspect of our farm.
Flowers bring the beauty and elements of design to the table. A medium of art that changes each and every day.
As a farmer- florist, I have the unique opportunity to handpick my design elements. I get to work with what mother nature has provided to inspire a design. What makes seasonal florals so special, is the years work - of planning, care and patience that goes into each design, each bloom.
I think anyone who is a farmer, has to be innovative, able to plan and design, but yet expect to change and adapt that plan daily. And most of all, have patience. Patience, hope and optimism to see what will come, and what the next season will bring.
Adopt the pace of nature:
Her secret is PATIENCE.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson