Flower Bouquet Subscription BIWEEKLY (8 BOUQUETS)


Get fresh, local flowers from May to September! Bouquets to to give as a gift, keep for your table or some of both! Bouquets feature the current in season blooms. Upon purchase you will have 24 hours to download a printable “gift card” to give to your recipient, if giving as a gift.

Here is how it works:

Bi-Weekly Pick Up Dates 2024:
Wednesdays, June 26, July 10 & 24, August 7& 21, September 4 & 18, October 2

You will receive an email 1-2 weeks before your floral subscription begins, to confirm pickup location.

PICK UP OPTIONS: Your bouquet will be ready Wednesday’s. If you can’t make a pick up date, please gift it to a friend to pick it up!

Stevens Point : Turquoise on Main - 1201 Main Street, Stevens Point - Pick up 10:30am-5pm
Amherst: The Landmark Coffeehouse - 102 S. Main Street, Amherst - Pick up 10am - 2pm
Gather Farm Roadside Stand: 5512 County Rd EE, Amherst - 6 miles East of Plover - Pick up 10am - 6pm

Upon checkout you will enter an email to receive reminders to pick up your bouquet. If you are purchasing for a gift, have the recipients email ready for reminders too! (Don’t worry, they will not get an email until 2 weeks before the subscription begins! We don’t want to ruin a surprise!)

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FIVE BOUQUET GIFT CARD : You-Pick or Ready-Made
Flower Bouquet Subscription MONTHLY (5 BOUQUETS)